
My name's Harry Potter and I attended Hogwarts when I was young.
I love riding on brooms and going swish! in the midair. Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it. I just wanna put everything down and let go.

Your music code here! =)

please don't go away

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Perhaps no one will read :D

Nvm . im posting for myself !
11:45 AM



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[Y] ueFeng
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[P] eishin
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[S] tephanie

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[C] olene
[D] aZhuan
[E] laine
[E] nHui
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[G] eorgia
[J] arrett
[J] essi
[J] ordon
[J] ovi
[K] arshuen
[L] ivia
[N] oreen
[Y] uanliang
[Y] uliang
[P] earlyn
[S] hirlyn

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